Holding the pipe that needs to connect to the giant arm pointing towards Jesus, does this man work tirelessly to create this unusual machine? What will come of this creation once he has fulfilled his task and everything has been put in place? Just over to his right a troop of monkeys guard and prepare the double canon just above the holy ones head. How did he get here, what was his journey and what will come of him? Maybe he was hired by some of the highest spiritual entities in the universe to commit his life in the pursuit of something incredible. Something that will change everything forever.
The man I am referring to is just one of many diverse and unique characters in the spectacular array of figures compiled within this astonishing limited edition 3D lenticular ‘The Falsed Resurrection’ created by ONYX. This lenticular, like the others in the lenticular collection, are 3D prints taken from a collection of original sculptures by ONYX. The work itself is constructed using found, foraged and discarded objects that he breathes new life and purpose into by making it a piece of these elaborate and beautiful sculptures.
They are imbedded with so many themes, figures and intricate details that one can spend a long time contemplating and trying to understand it’s meaning. While staring deeply into the piece it is easy to start creating your own stories and themes behind what’s happening within its own unique dimension.
This is something the artist himself loves seeing happen when people are drawn into his art. ONYX leaves his work open to interpretation and considering the journey he has been on to get here himself it is no surprise his work is filled with mystery and intrigue.
ONYX has always had a love and respect for art but it was through a life changing event that unlocked the enigmatic art he now creates. Once working in construction he had a very serious accident that rendered him unconscious and in a coma for several weeks. It was while living in a coma that his visions, dreams, unconscious thoughts and mysterious experiences lead to the work you now see today. It was during his first year in recovery from the accident that he started to open the door to his creations. When asking him about this experience myself he told me it was life changing, that not all of it was great but he knew when regaining consciousness he was tasked to create these other worldly visions in order to understand and bring out as he calls it ‘The light in the dark’. He also describes his work as ‘Memories of the future’ which considering in one of these experiences he met his unborn son it does open the possibilities to interdimensional crossover.
There is no doubt ONYX is on an incredible journey and I would urge anyone to view his amazing work. What will you see within his art? The mystery awaits you.
For more art and details of ONYX check out the artists page here: https://fleekgallery.com/collections/onyx